
发表时间:2018-07-09 21:33


Keep in your side, I am willing to life make your quilt in winter, summer do your electric fans。 Happy April fool's day!


All say pig is very lazy, but I don't think so。 At least now, I found a pig is reading text messages。


I live to now hasn't lied, but god let me meet you today, I finally opened can lie: you stay cool handsome。


If I don't propose to you, I will regret a lifetime, because you are the one for me。 Happy April fool's day!


No matter where you are, as long as the face upwards long laugh, shout three "I is beauty", I will appear in front of you。


Do furniture is lumber, understand poetry is scholar, they think of is money, the message is a fool。


Earthquake not curious, not the flood fire erupted more not rare, the most surprising is that the pig should see information!


Rest assured, receiving this message you will not cause too much loss, just can make your phone delete all stored information。


Wish you: playing CARDS is not luck, the leopard golden flower hang out, others stare you smile, people pay you money。


Dad hit me twice today, because for the first time saw my hand two report card, the second is his childhood because transcripts。