
发表时间:2018-07-08 21:25


Seeds do not fall in loam and landed in the rubble, alive seeds never pessimism and sigh, because of the resistance to temper。


The avenue is fraught with risk of art, it is also a good thing, ordinary people are terrified, with the exception of strong-willed person。


Difficulties and suffering for people, is a hit to the blank hammer, abortion should be fragile iron, forging, will be a sharp steel knife。


You are experiencing difficulties, hardships, failure is the only way to succeed, brave, to challenge them to believe in yourself, you will be successful!


The trouble is that the bully。 The more you fear it, the more it intimidate you。 The more you don't put it in the eye, the more it says deferential to you。


Ambition and perseverance are the wings of Goethe since cause varying degrees of intensity in human nature, are commonly used to burn the struggle, the weak as strong。


Difficult experience, experience to the person wisdom。 Adversity is this talent is the value of the test, came up with exercise in adversity, is fortitude。